Monday, January 24, 2011

Perimeter and Area

Funbrain has a wonderful game for you to play on Perimeter and Area.  It calculates how many questions were answered correctly and incorrectly.  Keep playing to ensure you know the rules for Perimeter and Area.
Perimeter = length + width + length + width
Area = length x width 

This website is useful for students to use since it falls under the Mathematics curriculum for the grade four and five Measurement unit.  The activity falls under the specific expectation, “determine, through investigation, the relationship between the side lengths of a rectangle and its perimeter and area,” (page 70) for grade four and “estimate and measure the perimeter and area of regular and irregular polygons, using a variety of tools,” (page 80) for grade five.

Miss Nikiforos

Information for Parents picture is from the website:
Funbrain picture taken from website: and edited by Miss Nikiforos

Rocks and Minerals

Canadian Geographic is a wonderful website to visit to learn about the three classes of rocks.  This will help you prepare for our quiz in the up coming classes.   
Happy digging!

This website is useful for students to use since it falls under the Science and Technology curriculum for the grade four Rocks and Minerals unit.  The activity falls under the specific expectation 3.4 “describe the characteristics of the three classes of rocks,” (page 95).  

Miss Nikiforos 
Information for Parents picture is from the website:
School fo Rock picture taken from the website:

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Canada's Geography

Listed below are some interactive maps of Canada to test your knowledge of the provinces and territories.  Click on each word below and play the interactive games to memorize the different regions of Canada.  
These links fit in with The Ontario Curriculum of Social Science.  The Overall Expectation met through the activity is: name and locate the various physical regions, provinces, and territories of Canada and identify the chief natural resources of each.  The Specific Expectation met through this activity is: identify Canada's provinces and territories and its main physical regions. Both of these expectations can be found in The Ontario Curriculum document on page 41. 

Happy Traveling!
Miss. Nikiforos

Information for Parents picture is from the website:
Map of Canada is from the website:

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Grammar Ninja

Here is a link for the website Grammar NinjaYou are encouraged to play this game multiple times to test your knowledge on grammar.  

Review of Grammar:
Adjective - An adjective describes a noun or pronoun. Examples: black, heavy, fast, short, pointy, tasty.
Adverb - An adverb described verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs. Examples: quickly, intelligently, well, here, everywhere. 
Articles - An article is used t introduce a noun. They are very easy to recognize because there are only three: a, an, the. 
Conjunction - A conjunction joins two words, groups of words, or sentences together. Examples: but, so, and, because, or. 
Noun - A noun is a person, place, thing, or idea. Examples: ninja, school, teacher, grammar. 
Verb - A verb describes an action or state of being. Examples: run, jump, hide, is, am, are, was.

Students have been introduced to this website in class during computer class.  The website is an interactive game useful to reinforce the concepts of grammar.  Students are encouraged to continue to play this game to ensure they know their grammar.  

                     Happy playing.   

Miss. Nikiforos
Grammar Ninja picture is from:
Information for Parents picture is from the website:

Monday, January 10, 2011

Welcome Grade 4/5 Students and Parents/Guardians!

Welcome to Miss. Nikiforos' Blog
Welcome to my blog.  I am excited to meet each and every one of you.  This blog is a resource to consistently check for new updates, useful resources, and a way to stay connected in the class.  This will be a tool to use to response to posts as well as a way to stay interactive and connected.  Links to websites are provided in blue text for you to use.  Feel free to comment on posts and ask questions.  Remember there are no silly questions, every question is VALUABLE.

Look for the Parents/Guardians section in each blog post to understand why students are doing specific tasks and how it is related to The Ontario Curriculum.  Each Parents/Guardians section has the picture on the left to differentiate the Student's section from the Parents/Guardians section. 

Let’s make this a place to play, learn and grow together!

Miss. Nikiforos
Play, learn and grow together! sign is from: 
Information for Parents picture is from the website: